So you want to do a live Sworkout with your class, co-workers, friends or family but it's not running like it should? Here are our tips and tricks for having the best workout experience using our Sworkit Live feature.
What we recommend for making the most of Sworkit LIVE:
Start Sworkit Live first, then begin your video conferencing session.
Share one screen at a time - e.g. don't share your face on the Zoom screen AND Sworkit Live at the same time.
Mute other workout participants - unless someone needs to speak.
Close other applications and tabs that are pulled up in your browser.
Use the web version of your video conferencing platform, not their app.
If you're seeing a white screen instead of your face in Sworkit Live:
Try turning off your video in Zoom/MS Teams/Google Hangouts - then toggle LIVE button off and back on.
If you are using MS teams - we've heard that using MS teams on the web resolves this issue.
It might help to plug directly into the internet/ethernet rather than using a wifi router.