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What are the Workouts for the Sworkit Summer Challenge?
What are the Workouts for the Sworkit Summer Challenge?

The Sworkit Summer Challenge is all about choice!

Micki Roche avatar
Written by Micki Roche
Updated over a week ago

The beauty of the Sworkit Summer Challenge is that you can make this challenge completely your own! Unlike previous challenges, there is no set workout schedule or plan. You can complete any Sworkit workout, or log outside activity and exercise, and have it count towards your completion of the challenge.

Weekly we'll suggest workouts to try, but you have the freedom to decide which workouts you want to complete each week. Whether you want to plan all your workouts for the challenge before it begins, create a schedule for yourself on a weekly basis, or pick a workout each day depending on how you feel, we're here for you!

Set a goal for the summer and stick to it. And whatever you need to do to make that happen, we support you!

Note: Be sure you come to every workout session prepared. Since you get to choose your workouts, make sure you have all the equipment you need ready to go before getting started. You can preview what equipment a workout needs by clicking on the desired workout and viewing the description. Many Sworkit workouts don't require any equipment at all, but it's best to be sure before you get started on a workout!

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