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Exploring Sworkit Features
Get the most out of Sworkit by taking the time to learn about some of our unique customization options
Workout Settings: the ultimate personalization for your workout
How to pin a challenge or collection to the top of your screen?
How do I share that I completed a workout?
How to View Sworkit on my TV?
How do I see my stats?
What does each timing variation mean for your custom workout?
How to set a reminder to work out?
How do I make HIIT and Tabata Workouts in the Sworkit app?
How to add Notes to your Workout Log?
How do Sworkit Cooldowns work?
How does Sworkit's Recommended Timing work?
How to complete a Fitness Assessment?
What do I do with my Fitness Assessment Results?
How do I keep track of my favorite workouts?
How to change your weekly goal?
How do I chat with a trainer?
How do I use the live workout player?
Create a custom Sworkit workout?
How do I organize the order of exercises in my custom workout?
How can I search for workouts to meet my needs?
Create circuit workouts?
Use Sworkit offline?
Complete a group workout with a friend?
How can I get more information about each exercise?
Are there any keyboard shortcuts for the Sworkit web app?
Searching the Exercise Library
How to set your workout and step goals?
How do I manually check off a workout?
How to change your progress in your fitness plan or challenge?
How do I sync Sworkit with my Fitbit?
How to log external activity in Sworkit?
Mark my workouts as complete or incomplete?
View or delete my Sworkit workout history?